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Monday, 18 January 2016

Think Pair Share (TPS) - English

              Teacher in the learning process requires a way to teach the material provided, so that the material is able to be understood by the students. To assist the process, we need a method or model of learning. The learning model is a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve learning objectives. can also be interpreted as an approach used in the learning activities. As for the one that is constructivist learning satumodel and is part of a cooperative learning model is a model Think Pair Share (TPS).
Processing Study in Classroom
Here, the admin will review on Learning model Think Pair Share (TPS)
A. Definition Model TPS (Think Pair Share)
 Think pair share one type of cooperative learning developed by Frank Lyman, et al from the University of Marlyand in 1985 as a cooperative learning activities. Think Pair Share gives students the opportunity to work alone cooperate with others.

B. Benefits Model TPS
Kagan in the article stating the benefits of think pair share as follows:
1. Students use more time to do his job with one another, when they engage in activities of think pair share more students who raise their hands to answer after practicing with a partner.
2. Teachers have more time to think when using think pair share. They can concentrate on listening to the answers of students, observe the reaction of students and showed a high question.
            According Guntu, think pair share is a simple technique to great advantage. Think Pair share can improve students' ability to recall information. A student learning from other students and with each other to convey the idea to be discussed before it is delivered deadpan class. Moreover, it can improve self-confidence and all students are given the opportunity to participate in the class.

C. Excellence Model TPS
There are
several reasons why TPS should be used ,:
1. Think Paair help structure the discussion Share limiting opportunities yangg mind and its behavior deviate because they have to report the results to its partners pemikiannya.
2. Think Pair share increase student participation in increasing the amount of information that may remember the students.
3. Think pair share increasing duration "Time on the ask" in the class and quality of the contribution of the students in class discussions.
4. Students can develop their social life skills.
           TPS give to the students to think and think to respond and help each other. When compared to conventional methods such as lectures diamana teacher reveal a seoarang student questions and provide answers, then the TPS is more gives an opportunity to students in response to the problems posed by the teacher (Nurhadi).
              Pitcher outlines the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning model TPS as follows:
1. Students can interact in solving the problem and finding a concept developed
2. Each student in the group trying to figure out the answer given questions.
3. Train students to improve skills berkomunikas through group discussion and presentation of answers to a question or problem.
4. Improve the skills to think individually or in groups.

D. Steps Think Pair Share
1. Thinking (thinking)
            Teacher questions or issues that relate to the lesson and then students are asked to think independently for some time. According to Susilo (2005: 4) at this stage the teacher gives a sign that the students think about the answers or solutions to the problems that the teacher in a specific time and advised the students to write an answer or a solution of the ideas.
2. Pairing (Pair)
            The teacher asks the students pair up with the rest of the other to discuss what has been thinking of the first stage (think). Interaction at this stage is expected to share the answers if it has diajuakn a particular problem that has been identified. According susilo (2005: 5) at this stage individually represent their group to report the results of the discussion throughout the class.
3. Sharing (Sharing)
            In the final stage, the teacher asks kepaa pair to share with the whole class about what has been discussed. This is effectively done by rotating the pair-by-pair continued until a quarter of couples reported.

Try Reading: Think Pair Share (TPS) (in Indonesia Language)

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